Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Guess That Answers That

So last night right after I posted, I ended up talking to the guy as usual. I just mentioned that I had listened to some bands he recommended, and that was that. I think he seemed distant earlier because he was using his Android to chat, which can make it difficult. Plus I think he was playing Halo.

Earlier today, he initiated conversation with me! That definitely made me feel better. We talked for a while, and things went well. I mentioned that I was interested in riding the Polar Express (on which he works) but that it costs too much. He offered to get me on for free, but I said I didn't want to go alone or get him in trouble. So, he asked if I'd go with him if he has a day off! I said that I would if I was free. I am so nervous!

For the record, I thought about it for a while before answering. There are so many things to be worried about! First of all, I have to tell Lisa if I'm going to meet anyone from the website, because I told her I would. That is not going to go well. Second, what if he doesn't like me? I might look a lot different in person, or have an annoying voice. That would be really awful. I thought about all of this for as long as I could before answering, and this is what I decided: It has to happen sometime, or I'm wasting my energy talking to this guy. I might as well get it over with. So I'm going to suck it up and do it.

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